From Sweden Taikai 2011 by Sweden Taikai 2011
As anyone who has trained with Rob before will know, Robs ability to break down techniques into easy to grasp exercises, so that you can understand what Soke and the Shihan are doing, is the backbone of his teachings and vital to anyone looking to progress in this art.
Rob is resident of Japan where he has lived for over five years. Rob is in a unique position to share insights from Budo Taijutsu. He works full-time as a movement coach, training people in the Zeropoint Training System , which includes injury-prevention exercise for adults, rapid body reconfiguration, and a number of movement and exercise courses for people of all ages and skill levels, not the least of which is working with leading Japanese schools to implement cutting-edge children’s educational, exercise programs.
Because of his focus on developing correct movement in a testable, scalable structure, Rob feels it is important to continue learning as much as possible from the best practitioners. Which is why you will see him as a student 5 and 6 days a week at Soke Hatsumi and the Shitenno’s classes, in addition to running his own training 5 days a week at Mabashi Jinja, as well as the Bujinkan Hombu Dojo?
Rob is well known for his ability to explain and simplify the more subtle aspects of Budo
Taijutsu as well as sharing drills and training ideas that make reproducing these aspects attainable at a much faster pace. Because he clearly shows the structure of training, from the very foundational movements to the seeming magic of Soke Hatsumi, and how they are connected, people always leave Rob’s classes with a feeling of exhilaration at finally grasping some pieces of the puzzle, and knowing they now have a much clearer direction for their own training!
Quoted here below (so you can see what to expect from the Tai Kai) is from a seminar with Rob earlier this year…
Developing the “Counter Intuition” of Kihon Happo
As Hatsumi Sensei often says: “You cannot truly understand a technique until you understand its counter!” With this in mind, I will be showing the progression from co-operation to resistance, looking at how uke and tori would “counter” each move, then show how to use that counter to your benefit, allowing you todevelop your own “intuition” of the proper movement needed for any given moment. (This methodology can be used for any technique, but we will be focusing on Kihon Happo in conjunction with Soke’s chosen theme for this year.)
Rob will introduce the “shiho dori” (4 ways of taking) concept for developing a full range of options to internalize the principles of kihon happo.
The seminar will focus on the bio-mechanics of budo taijutsu, showing the developmental progression from beginner to advanced, utilizing lots of fun scenarios and drills for all to remember!
Rob Renner and Paul Masse seminar 2009
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