BATON FIGHTING Techniques with Mats Hjelm. In April 2024, Mats Hjelm conducted an enlightening seminar on Jutte techniques in Helsinki, Finland, organized by Bujinkan Sakura Dojo. In this video, Mats Hjelm explores the art of Jutte-jutsu through the lens of Gyokkō-ryū Sanshin no Kata and Kukishin-ryū Jutte techniques. He demonstrates fundamental “Kōda” techniques, designed for countering both unarmed and armed opponents, alongside Kata specifically tailored for sword attacks. Additionally, Mats adapts ten techniques from Kodachijutsu for use with the Jutte. Highlights Include:- 5 Jutte techniques from Gyokkō-ryū (Sanshin no Kata)
- 5 “Kōda” techniques for countering both unarmed and armed opponents
- 7 Jutte techniques from Kukishin-ryū within the Bujinkan system
- 10 Kodachi techniques from Kukishin-ryū within the Bujinkan system
Download BATON FIGHTING techniques with MATS HJELM
Experience the essence of Jutte-jutsu and its applications within the Bujinkan system, as demonstrated and explained by Mats Hjelm.十手術 JUTTEJUTSU
Techniques shown on this video JUTTE SANSHIN NO KATA 5 techniques shown and explained JUTTE KIHON UGOKI Basic movement shown and explained JUTTE KIHON YŌHŌ (“KŌDA”) 5 basic techniques shown and explained JUTTE KATA 7 basic techniques shown and explained JUTTE (KODACHI KATA) 10 basic techniques shown and explained
About the instructor
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983. It wasn’t until 1986 when he had the opportunity to start training more seriously under a Shidōshi. He has taught at numerous seminars all around the world, gone to Japan 3-5 times every year. After he started training he never had a training break. He takes his budo training very seriously! If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site or come and train with him at Kaigozan Dojo.…
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