- 80 minutes, 637 Mb for $19.99
(H.264, 400p)
Available as download or DVD
This movie contains all 18 basic taijutsu techniques from Koto-ryu Koppojutsu Shoden no Kata. They are taught and explained thoroughly as the basic foundation, and with many applications and henka.
Title: Keiko25 – Koto-ryu Koppojutsu Shoden Kata
Instructors: Holger Kunzmann
Theme: Koto-ryu Koppojutsu, Shoden kata
Recorded: Recorded in Stockholm March 13-25th 2009 The instruction is in English
Approximately 90 Minutes playing time.
Shortly after returning from training in Japan with Soke and the Shihan, Holger held this seminar in Kaigozan Dojo, Stockholm, Sweden. This DVD contains all 18 basic taijutsu techniques from Koto-ryu Koppojutsu Shoden no Kata. They are taught and explained thoroughly as the basic foundation, and with many applications and henka. The following techniques where taught…
Kurai-dori (kamae). Yokuto, Ogyaku, Koyoku, Shito, Hosoku, Hoteki, Shato, Keto, Sakugeki, Tangeki, Batsugi, Setto, Shihaku, Kyogi, Kakko, Uranami, Tenchi and Katamaki.
Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden March 2009
Who is Holger Kunzmann?
Holger’s main interest in Bujinkan is the basics. And he has become quite famous for his excellent taijutsu and very good knowledge and skill of the basics in Bujinkan.
Holger’s web site… http://www.bkd-reutlingen.de/…