2010-06-26/27 – Basic & Thema 2010
From http://bujinkan.me/seminars/…
Read More2010-01-16/16 – Kihon Happo with Ura Waza and Henka
Temat för detta en-dags-seminarium kommer att vara KIHON HAPPO vilken är den absolut viktigaste grunden i Bujinkan systemet. Mats kommer att lära ut Kihon Happo grunderna så som han tycker de skall utföras. Han kommer också att lägga till URA WAZA till varje teknik, och förklara hur HENKA kan användas.
From http://bujinkan.me/seminars/…
Read MoreFrom Bujinkan Zeropoint Dojo by RobRenner
I will be starting the 2nd round of seminars in September.
The theme for this 2nd round of seminars will continue to be:
“Chuuto Hanpa Taijutsu” or “Incomplete Taijutsu”
We will be focusing on how to use incomplete movements to control your opponents reactions with emphasis on:
*Incomplete Distancing
*Incomplete Timing
Incomplete Kihon Happo
We will also cover:
- One-handed Taijutsu
- Boxing, Wrestling, and street-style attacks
- Multiple Attacker Methodology
and much more…
Of course we will be covering many special drills and exercises you can use to rapidly improve your own personal practice of taijutsu.
September 4 and 5
Athlone Regional Sports Centre – Athlone, Ireland
Contact: Joe Lillis with the Bujinkan Shimboku Dojo
September 11 and 12
Victoria Community Centre- Crewe, UK
Contact: Matt Fisher with the Bujinkan Gouin Dojo
September 18 and 19
Provence, France
Dojo Mirabeau
3 avenue de Grassi
Contact: James Bimes with the Bujinkan Provence Dojo
September 25 and 26
Lippstadt/Geseke, NRW
Contact: Larz Boltzt with Bujinkan Balance Dojo
February 27 and 28:
Chicago, Illinois
Brooks Martial Art Center
Contact: Tony Brooks
Tony Brooks, and everyone who came, as the first stop on this seminar tour, really helped kick it off right. I could see definite improvement from many of the people who have been coming to this event over the last few years, thus reconfirming my decision to travel and share Soke’s art to the best of my ability.
March 2, 3
Special Foundational Workshops – Night Classes
Manaus, Brazil
Contact: John Holladay
Its always cool when you get to see your friends after a long time, especially when, after training with you in the past, they have continued improving and taking positions of leadership themselves. John has a really great, close-knit group there in Manaus. He has done a good job of teaching the foundations of Budo. This can be especially challenging when you are teaching at a military facility as John does!
Thanks for the hospitality John, I am looking forward to the next time…
March 6 and 7:
TAIKAI Brasil 2010
Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Contact: Simao Freitas
Wow! What can I say?! This taikai was awesome. So many obviously dedicated people, traveling for thousands of kilometers to train for nearly a week! The venue was super cool, with the beach nearby and great weather the whole time.
Do to the great distance and cost of traveling to Japan, it is very difficult for many Bujinkan members to get to Japan, so when they got a taste of some of the feeling from Japan, they were thrilled. And for me, when I saw the look of surprise and then later understanding on their faces, that was truly the highlight of my time there!
I have no doubt those groups from all over Brazil will begin making huge strides in the direction they want to go. I am already thinking about next year!
March 10, 11
Special Foundational Workshops – Night Classes
W. Palm Beach, Florida
Contact: Paul Fisher
March 13
Washington DC
Contact: Charles Collins
(443) 956-0506
March 14
St Louis, Mo
Contact: Patrick Lee
March 20
Vancouver, B.C.
March 21
Victoria, B.C.
Contact: Sherrie Silman
If you have any questions or have trouble contacting the event hosts, please feel free to contact
Rob at: [email protected]…
Read MoreFrom Kabutoshimen by admin
Now it is less than a week until the Ninpo/Ninjutsu Seminar with Dean Rostohar. Here is some updates and news…
Dean is coming on Friday already, but we have no extra training planned. Dean is also bringing some of his top students with him this time, so I’m sure they will also help him with the teaching. This will be an exciting seminar, he will teach lot’s of stuff we usually don’t see in the trainings in a regular Bujinkan Dojo.
For more information about this seminar see this web site… http://kaigozan.se/seminars/2009-09-26/…
Read MoreThe theme for this seminar will be NINPO/NINJUTSU and SHINKEN KATA. Dean will bring together and teach true Ninpo combat from his experience of trainings in Japan with Hatsumi Soke. And also his personal experience as a Police Officer, from the Croatian civil war as a member of the SJP Alpha, and SPECWOG (SPECcial Warriors Operation Group).
Dean has been practicing Martial Arts for 35 years, he is a former Police officer a member of the SJP Alpha (Special Police Force – SWAT) in Croatia. Dean Rostohar is Director, Chief instructor of SPECWOG and a founder of Tactical Technic Combat System T.T.C.S. For his full resume, check out his web site or the SPECWOG web site.
For more information about this great seminar, go to this web site and please sign up early!