From Kabutoshimen by admin
The last newsletter was sent out in July, sorry for taking so long. From now on we will use this medium and merge it together with other news lists we promised, but did not have time to use. So if you are surprised seeing this it means that you signed up to one of our news lists and forgot about it because we didn’t use it for a long time. From now on we will try to send them out once a month. To unsubscribe e-mails follow the link at the bottom.
Here is the news summarized from the past months.
- Taikai 2009 Update
- Budo Shop new releases
- Web site updates
- November/December Seminars
- Short notes / news
Taikai 2009 Update
The web site has been updated, the application form is on-line, and the first batch of instructors have been confirmed.
- Duncan Stewart, Shihan (Japan)
- Juan Manuel Serrano, Shihan (Spain)
- Lauri Jokinen, Shihan (Finland)
- Mariette vd Vliet, Shihan (Holland)
- Mats Hjelm, Shihan (Sweden)
- Morten B. Østenstad, Shihan (Norway)
If you don’t know who these instructors is, click on their link above. More instructors might be added later, we have to see how much support for this Taikai we have first. Hopefully we there will be around 8-10 main instructors for the Taikai.
Web masters, please put one of these Taikai web banners to your web site, or at least a link to the TAIKAI web site! We will give you a link back to your web site!
The application form for TAIKAI is now on-line! On the taikai web site you can click on the button in the top right column from all pages. Sign up before the end of the year and you will receive a gift from us at the Taikai. Please spread the word!
The new web shop has been up now for a while and it seems to work very well. We changed the shipping costs to flat rate shipping cost to 49 SEK to the whole world (gratis frakt inom Sverige!), we had to adjust some prices slightly to cover the p&p costs, the DVD prices is unchanged. We also have several new releases the last month.
- Masaaki Hatsumi – Taikai Sweden 1988 Celebrating 20 years since the first visit by Hatsumi Soke to the land of the Vikings.
- Dean Rostohar – Knife and Baton seminar We will release many more videos with Dean very soon.
- Aluminium training knifes is now back in stock
Web site updates
As you may have noticed I have been very busy updating all my/our web sites with new style and skins. Most of the sites is 100% XHTML validated, and should look the same on all browsers. They look best on Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and iExporer (in that order!). Some of the sites that is updated is (in no particular order)…
Web sites (all is hand coded) (runs on Drupal) (runs on MagentoCommerce)
Blogs (all is WordPress MU with different skins)
Here is a direct link to the Bujinkan seminar RSS feed. When a new seminar is added to the database it will be posted here. Subscribe to this feed and you will get notified immediately when the seminar is adverticed.
For the full seminar list which is chronologically sorted to each month we still recommend you check out this page or this once on a while. If you use facebook, add this Facebook application.
Seminars November-December 2008
For more seminars see the Bujinkan.Me/seminars list (here is also information how to add seminars to this database). Sponsored seminar…
2008-10-31/2008-11-02 – Kuopio, Nilsia, Finland
Tahko Camp, with Shihan Lauri Jokinen
For more information (prices and schedule etc.) please contact [email protected] More info…
2008-11-01/2008-11-02 – Wels, Austria
Togakure Ryu Spirit, with Miquel Angel Sanz, Shihan 14th Dan
We are looking forward to seeing you at this international Bujinkan seminar with Shihan Miquel Angel Sanz. Instructions are in Spanish with professional translation into German and English. Registration is now open. Please, reserve your space now for an unforgettable weekend in Austria. Thank you. More info…
2008-11-14/2008-11-16 – Oulu, Finland
Oulu Camp, with Shihan Lauri Jokinen
For more information (price & schedule) and registrations please contact [email protected]. Accommodation is free of charge. More info…
2008-12-05/2008-12-07 – Tuusula, Finland
Christmas Camp, with Shihan Lauri Jokinen
For more information (price & schedule etc.) please contact [email protected] More info…
2008-12-19/2008-12-20 – Stockholm, Sweden
Hankyou 2008, with Many instructors
This is Kaigozan Dojo’s traditional Christmas seminar. We invite all instructors that want to come and share what they have learned this year (please contact us!). If you want to have good fun don’t miss this, the cost for the seminar is kept really low. More info…
Short news and Notes
- Daikomyousau 2008, The dates is Nov 30′th, Dec 1’st and 2′nd (Sunday until Tuesday). Note it is at Zaosou in Shimizu-koen (new location, not the same as before!) , click on the link for more info.
Personal comment: With so many people coming and not knowing how to behave properly in Honbu Dojo, around the teachers, and in general. You that know this have some kind of repsonsibility to teach them. - Next years theme will probably be officially announced at Daikomyousai.
- This is one of the many unwritten rules, and it always needs to be reminded! If you are allowed to take video of the trainings, you do not automatically have ok to post the video clips anywhere on internet, selling or giving away to strangers. If this is something you intend to do, then you need to ask if this is ok. This is just common courtesy, show some respect and don’t take things for granted.
- There was a Bujinkan Enbu at the Fuse Benten in Kashiwa in October, celebrating a 1200 year old shrine.
- …Please send me news to put here!