From Bujinkan Zeropoint Dojo by RobRenner
I hope all my friends around the world are enjoying their holiday season with their friend and family. I know that some of you will also be spending some of this time thinking about training… (I’ll be continuing to train…… Read MoreAuthor: KGZseminars
2015 Training Times & Locations
From Bujinkan Zeropoint Dojo by RobRenner
*the schedule is changed for the duration of my seminars, my senior students will be teaching Sunday and Thursday, please read below! Sunday – 4pm – Mabashi Jinja Tuesday – 11am – Mabashi Jinja Wednesday – 11am – Mabashi…… Read MoreGround Up-Core Out™ Kihon Happo Videos are Available!!
From Bujinkan Zeropoint Dojo by RobRenner
The human body has a built in process for optimal, efficient learning of movement that everyone of us went through as infants. We all began lying down, then gradually progressed up through sitting, kneeling (crawling), up to squatting/standing. At each…… Read MoreWhat are the basics (kihon) ?
From Bujinkan Zeropoint Dojo by RobRenner
What are the basics (kihon)? 基本 (Kihon; foundation, basis, standard) Many people talk about the importance of learning the basics (kihon) in our martial art. “Without a good foundation”, they say, “You can’t really achieve a high level of…… Read MorePracticing the Art of Soke Hatsumi
From Bujinkan Zeropoint Dojo by RobRenner
Many have talked about the way of Hatsumi as having no structure, but it really is the structure of no structure.… Read More