From Shiro Kuma's Weblog by kumafr
I am not confused anymore as today, I finally got my answer. I am happy to share it with you as I guess you were all totally confused after my previous post.
Friday night, Hatsumi sensei was speaking of the necessary adaptation to take into account when using fighting techniques of the past.
His point was that applying techniques that belong to a period of time from the past, might result dangerous in another time.
I remember reading one day a book of strategy for samurai (Heiho Okugi Sho) were it was said that the best side to attack a sleeping samurai was to arrive by the top of the body (head) because he wouldn’t be able to draw his sword in this configuration; and a few pages later , they said to always protect the left side (this is why the Japanese still drive on the left side of the road) in order to protect the sword. These two examples show how wrong a good tactic can become a few centuries later. Today any soldier can shoot reverse above his head, so the first tactic is wrong. Guns being on the right side of the body today is the total ooposite, therefore this is the right side that must be protected (this is why the americans drive on the right side of the road)*. Wrong again.