From - News by sheila.haddad…
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The theme of this year was Kukishin-ryu Taijutsu. All three teachers teach various aspects of Kihon Happo and Sanshin no kata. Arnaud taught Sword basics at the Shidoshi class for example.
Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden July 1999
Sample clip from the video
About the instructors
Hehe… the Shi-tenno needs no introduction. Arnaud, Peter and Sveneric are famous Shihan in the Bujinkan. See their own web sites for more information about them…
- Shi-tenno web site
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The theme was Jo Jutsu and Taijutsu. They taught many Jo Jutsu techniques and henka from Kukishin-ryuu Jo jutsu. They also taught Taijutsu, unarmed fighting techniques.
Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden September 1997
Sample clip from the video
About the instructors
Hehe, both Pedro and Arnaud are famous Shihan in the Bujinkan. See their own web sites for more information about them…
- Arnaud Cousergue web site
- Pedro Fleitas web site
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Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden September 2002 -- February 2003
Kaigozan dojo and many other use these techniques as a base for ranking beginners up to 1′st degree black belt.
Ten ryaku no maki: 9 kyu -- 7 kyu (yellow belt)
Chi ryaku no maki: 6 kyu -- 4 kyu (green belt)
Jin ryaku no maki: 3 kyu -- 1 kyu (brown belt)
All these techniques is demonstrated on this video 1-3 times. It is not a self study course, it should rather be seen as a reference material and a compliment to your studies with a good teacher.
There is no verbal instructions or speaking on this video. So it doesn’t require that you know English or any other language.
Sample clip from the video
Note: Not all teachers use this curricullum exactly for their ranking. But the techniques are the most fundamental and basic techniques in the Bujinkan Dojo system. So it is worth studying anyway!
Techniques covered in this video
TEN (first level, usually 9 kyu to 7 kyu)
- Taihenjutsu Ukemi (breakfalling),
- Kamae (9 basic positions),
- Hiken Juuroppou (16 basic strikes),
- Sanshin no Kata (5 basic movements),
- Kihon Happou (8 basic techniques),
- Shinken Taihenjutsu (escaping sword cuts),
CHI (second level, usually 6 kyu to 4 kyu)
- Hajutsu Kyuhou (9 methodsd to free oneself),
- Gyaku Gi (9 joint manipulations),
- Nage Kata (9 basic throws),
- Ryusui Iki (5 sacrificing throws),
- Shime Waza (5 basic strangulation methods),
JIN (third level, usually 3 kyu to 1 kyu)
- Suwari Kata (3 defenses from a seated position),
- Katate Dori (5 defenses from a single hand grab,
- Ryoute Dori (7 defense techniques from a double lapel grabs),
- Haibuyori (5 defense techniques from attacks from behind),
- Tsuki Uchi (9 defence techniques from a punch),
- Keri Ni Taisuru (5 defense techniques agains kicks),
- Tsuki to Keri ni Taisuku (4 defense techniques from kicks and punches),
- Nage Kaeshi (8 defense techniques against throws),
- Muto Dori (1 defense technique from a knife stab),
- Zanto Tonko no Kata (7 methods of fleeing from the attack).
About the instructor
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983, but it wasn’t until 1986 he had the opportunity to start training more seriously under a Shidôshi. He attends around 20 seminars, go to Japan 2-3 times every year. Since he started training he never had a training break. He takes his budo training very seriously! If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site
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Read MoreSTICK FIGHTING, Techniques of self defence with MATS HJELM
These are very effective and simple self-defence techniques that anyone can learn. You can use a cane, sticks of all sizes, pencils, rolled up magazine or anything with a stick like form.
On this video Mats show all the techniques from the classic “Stick Fighting” book by Hatsumi & Chambers. We recommend you to also buy this book for further studies.
Mats: I recently acquired your DVD on the hanbo. It is by far the best available. I have made a special study of hanbo and cane techniques for the past 10 years and have collected more than 150 books and DVDs on these techniques, so I believe I can make that statement with confidence. Congratulations!
- Tom Lang Author of The Stick and Cane in Close Combat (Unique Publications)
Sample clip from the video
In 1971 Kodansha released a book with Hatsumi Sōke and Quentin Chambers, this book have been a good resource for many martial arts instructors and practitioners, not just within the Bujinkan, and this for a good reason. The techniques from the book is a collection of techniques from various ryū-ha, mostly from Kukishin-ryū. The book have step-by-step instructions with over 300 pictures, but if you don’t have previous experience in Bujinkan the movements might be difficult to fully understand. But together with this video, you also get the movements behind the techniques. We recommend you both the book and our video.
We do not sell this book, buy the book from Amazon, click here!
- 8 basic movement techniques
- technique 1-11 is against fist attacks
- technique 12-16 is against foot attacks
- technique 17-31 is against wrist holding
- technique 32-43 is against sleeve and lapel holding
- technique 44-47 is against seizure from behind
- technique 48-51 is against stick holding
- 7 immobilization techniques
Screen captures from the video
About the instructor
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983, but it wasn’t until 1986 he had the opportunity to start training more seriously under a Shidôshi. He attends around 20 seminars, go to Japan 2-3 times every year. Since he started training he never had a training break. He takes his budo training very seriously! If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site Note!
Note: The instructions is in English and there is no sub titles on this DVD
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