From Bujinkan Santa Monica by Bujinkan Santa Monica
In all ten directions of the universe,
Photo by ePi.Longo
there is only one truth.
When we see clearly, the great teachings are the same.
What can ever be lost? What can be attained?
If we attain something, it was there from the beginning of time.
If we lose something, it is hiding somewhere near us.
Look: this ball in my pocket:
can you see how priceless it is?
Ryōkan Taigu (良寛大愚 )
There is nothing wise I can add to the beautiful poetry above. Just that, I find my inspiration from many sources. I am constantly amazed at how these inspirations in martial arts and life mirror each other.
Who has heard Hatsumi Sensei utter similar ideas?
Ryōkan Taigu (良寛大愚 ) 1758-1831, Japanese Zen Master, hermit, calligrapher, and poet; his name means "Goodly Tolerance." Another Buddhist name that he took for himself means "Great Fool." Ryokan is one of the most beloved figures in Japanese Literature, and is especially known for his kindness and his love of children and animals; he even used to take the lice out of his robe, sun them on a piece of paper on the veranda, then carefully put them back into his robe. He used to smile continually, and people he visited felt "as if spring had come on a dark winter's day."
His most famous haiku was written after a thief had broken into his hut and stolen his few simple possessions:
The thief left it behind:
the moon
at my window.