From Shiro Kuma's Weblog by kumafr
Today Noguchi sensei did the first morning class and he taught us parts of the koto ryû. Then it was the regular class with sôke but as he had some obligations, I was honoured by Noguchi sensei to begin the teaching.
This is not the first time it happens to me on Sundays but I always find it strange when it happens. When I remember my first classes here in Japan more than 20 years ago (no Honbu dôjô at that time) I measure the long path I have been following since then. Back then, I would never have suspected that the young man I was then, would learn so much on how to become a true human being. What Hatsumi sensei is teaching in his budô is not a set of old fighting techniques but really a way of Life that transforms you more than you think. As he said yesterday night we have to behave as members of the samurai class, the upper layer of the Japanese feudal society.
Our actions should be guided by the code of chivalry. Today during the calligraphy session, I asked him to write “chivalry” and I got “shinobi” … I don’t think he made a mistake. He is teaching us through mysterious ways.
During the break, he told me that we (jûgodan) have to follow him and walk by his side as long as we can and do what he asks instead of thinking too much by ourselves.
Being a sensei he is guiding us as far as possible, and the closer we are to him the further we can go. This is, he said, what he did with Takamatsu sensei.
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