From Shiro Kuma's Weblog by kumafr
Like every year since 2004 you are invited to join us and attend the Yûro Shi Tennô Taikai in Paris, the legendary 3 day taikai!
Peter, Sven, Pedro and Arnaud will share, during 3 full days, their insights received this year in Japan.
The main theme of this Taikai will revolve around the Tsurugi (don’t forget your Chinese sword) but will insist a lot on the following ideas:
- Natural Taijutsu
- Mutô Dori (Butô Dori)
- Bushin (Mushin)
As always sleeping is for free at the dôjô and the meals made by Jean-marie our ”chef” are included. Read more about it on the website
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to train directly with the Shi Tennô!
Registration (mandatory) at budomart