接点 ”Setten – Contact Point” In my previous article on kaname, or vital point, I covered several different types of kaname: 間合いの要 – Maai no Kaname, The Vital Point of Distance 動きの要 – Ugoki no Kaname, The Essence of Movement…
At long last, we’ve coerced the bank enough and are happy to present the payment instructions. All the information can be found on the information page, but here are the specific payment instructions:
Payment is due via SWIFT to our IBAN SE53 9500 0099 6034 0341 6427 with Nordea Bank AB, SE-105 71 Stockholm, BIC-address NDEASESS for international payments, or Plusgironummer 341642-7 for domestic payments.
Please make sure to put “TAIKAI” and your unique number (included in the sign-up e-mail) in the message field, as this is the ONLY way we have to correlate payments!
All of you who registered before today, please do the sums using the information page and use the above information to pay for the seminar. As of now the script that creates the registration e-mail contains the payment instructions as well.
Finally our sign-up form is online. We’ve had some unforeseen and unfortunate hiccups along the way (including a slow bank employee), so we’ve decided to open the sign-up and opt for payment instructions later. Don’t worry – they WILL come later, though
So – without further ado – click on the Sign-up form link in the header menu and prepare for Tai Kai Sweden 2012!