- 120 minutes, 778 Mb for $19.99
(H.264, 400p)
Available as download or DVD
Lauri, Mariette and Mats are all known and respected Bujinkan teachers in their own country and also internationally. Here they taught individually and together at the end of they day.
Title: Keiko26 – Kukan no Nawa (Taijutsu / Nawa / Kenjutsu /Bojutsu)
Instructors: Lauri Jokinen, Mariette v.d. Vliet, Mats Hjelm
Theme: Kukan no Nawa (Taijutsu / Nawa / Kenjutsu /Bojutsu)
Recorded: Recorded in Stockholm May 1-3th 2009 The instruction is in English
Approximately 120 Minutes playing time.
Lauri from Finland taught Taijutsu with the feeling of rope, both with and without the actual rope.
Mariette from the Netherlands taught Bojutsu against sword, Taijutsu and Self defence against knife attacks.
Mats from Sweden taught Iainuki (drawing the sword), Kenjutsu, Bofuri (spinning with the long staff) and Taijutsu.
Who is Mats Hjelm
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983, but it wasn’t until 1986 he had the opportunity to start training more seriously under a Shidôshi. He met Hatsumi Sôke for the first time in 1988. He attends around 20 seminars, go to Japan 2-3 times every year. Since he started training he never had a training break. He takes his budo training very seriously!
Lauri – http:/www.shinden.fi
Mariette – http://www.bujinkanbudokai.nl
Mats – http://www.kesshi.com
If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site http://www.kesshi.com…
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