- 115 minutes, 1.19 Gb for $19.99
(H.264, 400p)
Available as download or DVD
Dean taught unarmed defence against knife and baton. He also taught how to use the knife, and how to use the baton. He also taught many good taijutsu techniques in a very realistic manner.
Dean taught unarmed defence against knife and baton. He also taught how to use the knife, and how to use the baton. He also taught many good taijutsu techniques in a very realistic manner. This is a very good video if you are interested in realistic self-defence and fighting from the Bujinkan system.
We also recommend this video to anyone working or interested in security work as a guard or police. Although some of the techniques is not allowed to use in police force/work you can still see how it could be used against you if the opponent is good.
With Dean Shihans experience from real fighting in war, and also from his time in the police force in Croatia he certainly know what he is doing. For his full resume, check out his web site…
Who is Dean Rostohar
Dean Shihan has a lot of experience from real fighting in the independence war of Croatia, and also from his time in the police force. He was born 1965 and started training Martial Arts at the age of 10. He have experience from many martial arts styles but he was not completely satisfied with them until he found the warrior art – Bujinkan Ninjutsu/Ninpo Taijutsu. For his full resume, check out his websites. http://www.bujinkan.hr http://www.specwog.bujinkan.hr
If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site http://www.kesshi.com…
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