- 90 minutes, 883 Mb for $19.99
(h.264 M4V/MP4 400p format)
And 4 page transcript (in English)
Available as download or full DVD!
This movie deals with Batto (quick drawing the sword), Ukemi (breakfalling with a sword), Sword Kamae, and Sword techniques. There is many basics and more advanced techniques, training drills and more.
- Happo-giri, basic cutting techniques
- Taihenjutsu ukemi, rolling with the sword
- Batto/Iainuki, drawing the sword quickly
- Kamae, body positioning and angling
- Bikenjutsu, sword techniques from Togakure-ryu
Recorded in Stockholm June 2008
The instructions is in Swedish, but the instructions is very visible and clear. But we included a 4 page transcript, comments and descriptions in English.
About the instructor
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983, but it wasn’t until 1986 he had the opportunity to start training more seriously under a Shidôshi. He attends around 20 seminars, go to Japan 2-3 times every year. Since he started training he never had a training break. He takes his budo training very seriously! If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site www.kesshi.com Note!
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