From Shiro Kuma's Weblog by kumafr
(version Française)
The last post on “3=5” generated a lot of comments towards the possible misinterpretation of numerology. Two friends added their comments, Jan from Belgium on this blog and Jean, one of my students committed a nice text on his dôjô blog (in French).
Their general idea is that: “you can say anything with numbers and find esoteric significations for everything”. The same idea is very well demonstrated by Umberto Eco in his book: “Foucault’s pendulum” where three friends play with numbers to prove that some Machiavellian plan to rule the world is going on.
But to illustrate that, read the following:
- I am getting close to being 51 years old. To this day I lived exactly a total of 18,608 days,
- My size is 175,5 cm,
- I trained martial arts more than 40 years (exactly 40.309 years),
- I discovered the bujinkan after turning 25,exactly at the age of 25.220.
When I add 40.309 + 25.220 I find: 65.529, I multiply this by my size in cm 65.529 x 175.5 the result is 11500.3395.
Now when I divide the number of days I have been living by this result i.e. 18608 / 11500.3395 the new result I find is the golden ratio of 1.61803 famous in geometry and esoterism! After all maybe am I the reincarnation of the emperor Jimmu (神武天皇)?
(more on the golden ratio HERE).
My point when I wrote the “3=5″ was simply to help the bujinkan practitioner to solve an apparent contradiction in the names of the techniques used daily in our classes. But remember that sensei is often playing with numerology.
As always with him this is not WYSIWYG but WYSIRWYG (what you see is rarely what you get).
Kyojitsu tenkan hô 虚実転換法