From Paart Budo Buki by buki stolar
So when you decide to order production of Bokken from me, these are four basic shapes to choose from, of course, that could be any other forms of Kashira
From Paart Budo Buki by buki stolar
From Wanderings in Budo by bujinshugyo
Kotō ryū koppōjutsu
Present day fighting techniques bear no relationship to what one might call koppo…
Toda Sakyō Isshinsai learned the Gyokko ryū of Sō Gyokkan and founded (this school) in the mid 16th Century. The technique of koppō was originally introduced from ancient China, also known as Gōhō (strong method), its speciality is to make use of hidden weapons. Transmitted to the Toda family along with Togakure ryū by the Iga ninja. Momochi Sandayū also learned this. According to Mr Hatsumi there is the ‘knack’ to understanding the technique of using the skeleton/bones.
虎倒 Kotō – tiger knocking down, tiger defeating, to fell a tiger.
僧玉観 Sō Gyokkan – a (Buddhist) monk, jewelled appearance. Looking at the Chinese for 玉観 you could also see the name as suggesting that this person is a treasured (possibly imperial) advisor or observer.
強法 Gōhō – strong or powerful method. Pronunciation as gōhō is indicated by furigana alongside kanji in the text.
The first line was particularly vexing to translate into something that made sense in English, after trying out several different versions I am currently happy with the one written above. Similarly with the last line there are various ways to phrase it in English, and thus subtly altering the meaning.
As with Togakure ryū in the genealogy chart, Kotō ryū is descended from the Gyokko ryū of Hachidō Nyūdō, but through Tozawa Hyakuunsai Kaneuji to Gyokkan who is seen as the source of four styles. Kotō ryū is passed on to Hatsumi Masaaki, as with Togakure ryū, through Momochi Sandayū, the Toda family, Toda Shinryūken Masamitsu and Takamatsu Toshitsugu.
From Bujinkan Santa Monica by Michael Glenn
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In The World, digital c-print photograph by Andrew Binkley |
Bujinkan Shodan 初段: Searching for the Bull
Bujinkan Nidan 弐段: Discovering the Footprints
Bujinkan Sandan 参段: Perceiving the Bull
Bujinkan Yondan 四段: Catching the Bull
Bujinkan Godan 五段: Taming the Bull
Bujinkan Rokudan 六段: Riding the Bull Home
Bujinkan Nanadan 七段: The Bull Transcended
Bujinkan Hachidan 八段: Both Bull and Self Transcended
Bujinkan Kyūdan 九段: Reaching the Source
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Woodblock print by 德力富吉郎 Tokuriki Tomikichirō |
"You destroy whatever needs to be destroyed, you subdue whatever needs to to subdued, and you care for whatever needs your care." - Chögyam TrungpaAs one who has reached the peak of our Bujinkan training experience or found enlightenment as in the Oxherding poems, you appear remarkably unaffected. You have internalized our art and this is reflected purely in everyone you meet. In this reflection you see wonderful taijutsu expressed by any student of the art.
From 8þ Kabutoshimen by admin
You can buy the poster at BUDOSHOP.SE
Happy Training!
The post I made a HUGE Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Poster appeared first on 8þ Kabutoshimen.…
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En dags studier av Bujinkan Yari, spjuttekniker.
Träningen kommer att vara utomhus i närheten av dojon. Vi träffas i dojon kl 10:30-11:00 sedan går vi ut och tränar.
Om det är för dåligt väder så tränar vi inomhus och då Hanbojutsu (kort stav) istället. Vi har vapen för utlåning.
Kostnad 200 kr
One day seminar, studying the Yari (spear techniques).
Training will be outside. We meet in the dojo between 10:30-11:00 then we go outside to train. If it is really bad weather, we stay inside and train Hanbojutsu. We have weapons you can borrow.
Price 200 SEK…