From - Google Blog Search by Duncan Stewartöttingen. It was my third trip to Gottingen. Oliver has been so gracious to invite me on nearly a yearly basis to share my experiences with his dojo. He has a wonderful group of students and friends who ...… Read MoreYear: 2010
Dying to Live by the Sword � Henka
From inpostauthor:ariesbudo - Google Blog Search by ariesbudo
?15th Dan's have a huge responsibility? Soke said, ?They must not only be a strong and just example of the Bujinkan, but they must also live and lead a balanced life, striving and succeeding in things outside of the Dojo?. ...… Read MoreSeminar with Holger Kunzmann in Stockholm, Sweden
2011-04-30/01 – Kaigozan Keiko seminar
Vi arrangerar ett läger med Holger Kunzmann, en välkänd och omtyckt instruktör! Mer info kommer snart
Read MoreNew Dvds Are Coming Soon
From Shiro Kuma's Weblog by kumafr
We finished the Yari Jutsu of the Kukishin Ryû and the taijutsu of the Gyokko ryû. The videos are being edited right now and will soon be availalbe on koimartialart and budomart.
In the last year we have been quite productive:
- Ten Ryaku no Maki: short and extended version (4 dvds),
- Chi Ryaku no Maki: short and extended version (3 dvds),
- Jin Ryaku no Maki: short version (an extended version is being prepared),
- Buki Waza basics for small weapons: tantô, Kunai, Shotô, (2 dvds)
- Buki Waza basics for medium weapons: hanbô, jo, biken, (3 dvds)
- Buki Waza basics for long weapons: bô, yari, naginata, (3 dvds)
- Nawa Jutsu basics: nawame (knots) and rin (loops)
- Gyokko Ryû Kosshi Jutsu: the first level is being duplicated now and should be available in a few days on budomart, (2 dvds)
- Bô jutsu of the Kukishin Ryû: the complete set (ready for Christmas), (btw 6 and 10 dvds!)
- Yari Jutsu of the Kukishin Ryû: the complete set (ready beginning og 2011), (btw 4 and 6 dvds)
- Gyokko Ryu Kosshi Jutsu: the second and third levels are recording and will be available as soon as possible, (4 dvds)
- Manriki Gusari Basics: A general overview on the chain and the basics of the Masaki Ryû that Sensei learnt with Nawa sensei.
And I am not speaking of the “Foundation” series covering all the techniques Kyû per Kyû from 9th Kyû to 1st Kyû. (18 dvds)
We are planning to record soon a ne version of the Sanshin no Kata and of the Kihon Happô (Gyokko Ryû style) and a set of dvds on hanbô Jutsu. After that we will move to the other schools. The next schools are either Koto Ryû and then Shinden Fudô Ryû. Which one do you prefer to have next?
Be happy!
Arnaud Cousergue

Tenchijin University Reminder
From Shiro Kuma's Weblog by kumafr
Please visit the tenchijin University website, only a few days to register (for security reasons as we train in a military facility).
Tenchijin University website HERE
Information and prebooking HERE