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Dean Rostohar – Shinken kata vol 7- Ninpo-taijutsu to Heiho
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Dean taught unarmed defence, knife, sword and stickfighting. Dean and three members from his Dojo also taught many tactical techniques how to work as a group.
This is a very good video if you are interested in realistic self-defence and fighting from the Bujinkan system. We also recommend this video to anyone working or interested in security work as a guard or police. Although some of the techniques is not allowed to use in police force/work you can still see how it could be used against you if the opponent is good.
This video was filmed during his seminar in Stockholm, Sweden sponsored by Bujinkan Kaigozan Dojo. September 26-27'th 2009.
With Dean Shihans experience from real fighting in war, and also from his time in the police force in Croatia he certainly know what he is doing. For his full resume, check out his web site... Dean bio or SPECWOG bio
I started to think about how often we are concerned about things of little value. We often spend more emotional energy on things than they are really worth. If we spend our money on "stuff" that has little or no real value or importance, it is easy to fall into this trap of becoming overly concerned about things instead of spending our emotional energy on things that are really much more important.
A few years ago I had a talk about value with a student at my dojo who was expressing some dissatisfaction with it. He wanted to put in minimum effort, pay minimum fees, and was still always the first in line when there was something to collect for free. He was expressing an “entitlement mentality”, thinking that he deserved something without putting anything into it. I was paying almost 1,000 times as much as he was in monthly training fees at the time because I was training more and going to more expensive classes. He lived half an hour away from the dojo, and didn’t seem to appreciate that people were coming from all over the world to study these martial arts, and making some big sacrifices to do so. After our talk about the value of the training, he decided it was worth it to stick with it, and is still a member of the dojo today.
What do you value?
Are those things worth enough to you to make the necessary sacrifices for? If not, then perhaps you do not value them as highly as you may think. We so often spend a dis-proportionate about of time and energy on things that we don’t really value compared to those that we say we do.
In business as well, often people forget about value and turn their business into simply an attempt to get as much money as possible for as little as possible. Employees, too, often have the attitude that they will only put in the minimum required effort to get paid - another example of the “entitlement mentality”. This attitude often means that they are not doing what they enjoy doing, and in effect have become slaves of their employer. They are simply working for money and not for any sense of personal pride or satisfaction.
A healthy business attitude is one where the business takes pride in producing a high-quality product or service for its customers, with the understanding that it will be fairly compensated for the value that it produces. The best employees work out of a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment in their job, and of course the paycheque then comes in as a natural result. Such employees are not only the most beneficial to the company, but they are the most personally satisfied themselves as well.
Question for the day:
Do you work out of a sense of pride in the value of the service that you are providing?… Read More
Review; Ninjutsu Shinken kata seminar with Dean Rostohar
From Kabutoshimen by admin
In September 2009 Bujinkan Kaigōzan dōjō SSIF in Stockholm, Sweden hosted a seminar with Dean Rostohar, Shihan from Bujinkan Croatia.
First I would like to say thanks to Dean Rostohar for coming to us once again, this was the 4′th time we had him over here. Also special thanks to Davor, Hana and Ivica who travelled by car all the way from Croatia just to come here to train and assist their own teacher! Also big thanks to René coming from the Netherlands and Jukka coming from Finland. Also thanks to Tony for helping with transportation and stuff, and Johan for taking pictures and filming the seminar. Finally also thanks to the participants from Kaigozan Dojo, To Nan dojo, Solstaden Karlstad, Eskilstuna Bujinkan, Örebro Kampsportsförening and Berserk MMA.
This was a very good seminar where Dean taught and showed us many, many good and useful techniques and examples from his personal experience. First I felt quite ashamed that I couldn’t get more people interested enough to show up on the seminar. Then I felt pity for the fools that missed the chance to get really good training, what did you do this weekend that was so important? Seriously, I don’t want to hear all bad excuses, let’s leave it at that I’m sure you can convince me you had good reasons .
As always Dean teach from his big heart, you who have been to his trainings know what I mean. The first day he did techniques based on the first technique Ichimonji from Kihon happo kata. But it was different than what he showed before, more realistic and useful. Although he never said that the basics is bad to know or practice, but the basics is basics to teach students a foundation to build up on. When you know the basics well you combine each basic movement to the situation, and it comes alive. You do what you have to do to benefit from the situation. He showed many different taijutsu techniques this weekend.
In the afternoon training Dean and his students from Croatia showed many interesting techniques and team tactics how to work in a group, everything from quickly climbing up over a wall, or in to a window. How to take out a guard and many other examples how to work as a team.
The second day Davor started by showing and teaching his excellent taihenjutsu skills, he did some of the best taihenjutsu moves I have ever seen. He was rolling smoothly and silently like a cat moves, very nice! Then Dean taught more taijutsu techniques from Kihon-happo. Then later on he showed us how to train up the sensitivity, and then he moved on to some sword techniques. Finally he showed and explained to us how to train while blindfolded.
The KGZ BUDO SHOP have many DVD’s with Dean Rostohar. This seminar DVD will be available for order in October 2009, shortly after there will be three more DVD’s with Dean released at KGZ BUDO SHOP. Here is a direct link to the Shinken Kata videos…
Happy training!
Mats Hjelm (seminar organizer, dojo-cho at Kaigozan Dojo)
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Read MoreNinpo/Ninjutsu seminar update (next week)
From Kabutoshimen by admin
Now it is less than a week until the Ninpo/Ninjutsu Seminar with Dean Rostohar. Here is some updates and news…
Dean is coming on Friday already, but we have no extra training planned. Dean is also bringing some of his top students with him this time, so I’m sure they will also help him with the teaching. This will be an exciting seminar, he will teach lot’s of stuff we usually don’t see in the trainings in a regular Bujinkan Dojo.
- Place: We booked the dojo. We will be in Kaigozan Dojo on Sveavägen 130 in Stockholm city (here is the map).
- Saturday training: We open the dojo after 10:00, the training start at 11:00 and finish at 18:00 with a longer lunch break.
- Saturday evening: As usual we want everyone to join us for dinner at a local restaurant, if you don’t hear about this by e-mail we will inform you about it Saturday morning.
- Sunday training: we start at 11:00 and finish around 15:00. We do not have a longer lunchbreak, so prepare yourself with something to eat during the short breaks.
- Late people: if you haven’t signed up for the seminar do so immediately, or look at the web site first to see if there is places left before you come.
- Seminar fee: One day training is 500 SEK, for both days 850 SEK. We suggest that you sign up and pay early next time to get the discount!
- Seminar DVD: We will film this seminar and you can pre order the DVD for 200 SEK ( we will send it to your address when it is done) at the seminar, or you can buy it at the KGZ Budo Shop later…
For more information about this seminar see this web site……
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