From Don Roleys Myspace-blogg by Don Roleys MySpace-blogg
Some things come up so often on internet forums that it gets tiring answering them. This blog is meant to be used in the future when someone else comes up with something that has been dealt with befor...… Read MoreYear: 2009
You Can't Learn Bujinkan From DVDs
From Don Roleys MySpace-blogg by Don Roleys MySpace-blogg
Some things come up so often on internet forums that it gets tiring answering them. This blog is meant to be used in the future when someone else comes up with something that has been dealt with befor...… Read MoreShugyo January Clips « Shugyo
From - Google Blog Search by Duncan Stewart
For those interested in joining the Shugyo training for the first time, or renewing their previous subscription, we would like to let you know about the up and coming January clips for download. ...… Read MoreDaruma (2)
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The Daruma`s eyes are staring inward. This is a form of “Happo Nirami” or “Staring in Eight Directions” . It is also a form of “Ma Yokei” or “warding off evil”.
Another story which could be related to this picture is the parable of the Buddha allowing a spider to lower a thread into hell to save a ruffian whose only good deed in life was that he purposely avoided stepping on a spider one day. As he climbs the thread to freedom, others below him grasp the tread and start to climb. Fearing the line will break, the ruffian screams at them to get off the rope as he kicks and slashes at them. He threatens to cut the rope above them which is precisely the moment the rope snaps above him snaps and he tumbles back to hell. The Buddha sighs.… Read More
Daruma (2)
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The Daruma`s eyes are staring inward. This is a form of “Happo Nirami” or “Staring in Eight Directions” . It is also a form of “Ma Yokei” or “warding off evil”.
Another story which could be related to this picture is the parable of the Buddha allowing a spider to lower a thread into hell to save a ruffian whose only good deed in life was that he purposely avoided stepping on a spider one day. As he climbs the thread to freedom, others below him grasp the tread and start to climb. Fearing the line will break, the ruffian screams at them to get off the rope as he kicks and slashes at them. He threatens to cut the rope above them which is precisely the moment the rope snaps above him snaps and he tumbles back to hell. The Buddha sighs.… Read More